The Big 5 of Do's and Don'ts of Web Design


The Big 5 of Do's and Don'ts of Web Design

Why should you care about web design for your business? The first thing people see as a symbolic representation of you and your brand. The graphics need to be engaging to the eyes. The graphics should be like an invitation to a backyard barbeque where you don't have to tell anyone the meaning, but because everyone knows what a backyard barbeque consists of at the end of the day. People come to a barbeque expecting to get fed. So, feed the people with pertinent information when they visit your website. There is nothing more aggravating than visiting a website looking for answers and finding none. Believe it or not, this really does happen after all of these years. The other don't for a website is choosing fonts that don't work without the visitor have to use the zoom-in feature on the browser.


The other big do is the color for your website. Do you want loud bright colors or neutral colors? These are the questions you must ask yourself. Another do for your website is making sure there is transparent pricing on your website. This is especially true if you are selling a service or a product.No one want to feel like they have been the victim of a bait and switch scheme. The last thing your website needs is bad reviews from customers. Please be attentive to the reviews.


In conclusion, there are many websites set up for DIY web design, but just try to keep the fundamentals in play. Do not try to remake the wheel. A template for success has already been laid out for you. I would also like to suggest visiting successful sites for research and then add the elements to your site. Do get user feedback to help improve the functionality of your site. For more details read on web marketing brisbane.